10 Surprising Lessons From 1000+ Blog Posts

Barry Davret
6 min readJan 1, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

If I only knew then what I know now. I’m not sure if I would have done anything differently, but it might have made the journey easier. I hope this information will help you if you’re fearful or hesitant about publishing your work.

The first lesson is the most important. It’s more of a mindset rather than a tactic or strategy. I would have quit long ago if I had defined success by traditional measures.

Victory Comes From The Exploration

How do you define success for each story? Many writers use stats like fans, readership or email sign-ups. I see all of those as secondary metrics. They’re essential; I check those numbers often, but the victory comes long before the first reader clicks on my story.

Each writing session is an exploration. I always end a session with one of these three results.

  • I learn something new or gain a deeper understanding.
  • I reinforce something I already know.
  • In rare instances, I open my mind up to new opportunities and ideas I never considered.

Each one of those results is a victory. I gain something from the experience. Whatever accolades I receive afterward is icing on the cake. I would not have survived this long if data were my sole measure of…



Barry Davret

Work in Forge | Elemental | BI | GMP | Others | Contact: barry@barry-davret dot com. Join Medium for full access: https://barry-davret.medium.com/membership