Member-only story
5 Reasons To Write Every Day
Popularity, Claps And New Subscribers Didn’t Make The List
Why write? Why do it every day? I’ve had stories range in popularity from one to over a thousand fans. Just two weeks ago, a story of mine garnered only two fans and seven claps. I wasn’t demoralized. I didn’t cry. Did I care? Sure. I’m human. But here’s the thing.
Claps, sign ups and popularity are outcomes of writing. They are not motivations for writing.
I decided to stay true to myself and write about my own personal experiences and domains of expertise. Write on a consistent schedule for an indefinite time period. You’ll win your share of claps, subscribers and other accolades. It will come in small bursts here and there but it does happen.
I see a lot of great writers lament the flowery bullshit that reigns at the top of the popularity charts. You know what I’m talking about, right?
“7 Things To Do Before Bed That Will Transform You Into A Millionaire By Morning”
That’s not the title of a real article but it sums up the type of story that wins the most love from readers.
I’ve had four viral stories out of about seven-hundred. All four were based on lessons learned from my personal life. You only have so many of those stories in you. Most of…